When I needed business Latest Mailing Database supplies, I drove 20 miles to a distributor's store in another city, wrote a check, and carried my merchandise another 20 Latest Mailing Database miles back home. To market my business, I bought annual Yellow Page telephone directory ads, and local daily and weekly newspaper classified Latest Mailing Database ads. Regularly, I also waged direct snail mail campaigns. As my business grew, there were also some nice word-of-mouth referrals. Nothing fancy, I was just another small businessman Latest Mailing Database serving a small, entirely local market.
Today, everything about how I do business has changed, except Latest Mailing Database for two things. I am still a small businessman, and I still Latest Mailing Database get nice word-of-mouth referrals. But now, when I need supplies I sit down at my computer and perform a product search. Although, there are times when I remain standing up, or walk around Latest Mailing Database, or stay seated while eating lunch, and just use my smart phone. After a few clicks, I have found, ordered, and paid for the highest quality merchandise, at the best price, with the cheapest delivery cost, and the fastest delivery time. That is one example of one aspect of eCommerce conducted over the Latest Mailing Database World Wide Web.
Oh yeah, perhaps best of all, my purchase arrives at my doorstep in a couple of days without me having to drive anywhere Latest Mailing Database. When it comes to marketing my business, things have really changed. Now, I can tell folks about my business, myself, and my products, literally, in thousands of ways. And, simply by using my computer - no driving required. My market area has grown, too. No longer are the physical boundaries of my business market defined by Latest Mailing Database how far I am willing to drive. Instead, my marketplace is the entire world, thanks to eCommerce and the World Wide Web.