It has not been until now when this crater has come to light. How could it have been formed? Apparently, and according to the researchers in charge of this work, it would have been an iron meteorite that, crashing into the Earth, gave rise to this crater that has not yet been dated. Between 2.6 million and 11,700 years ago , in the middle of the Pleistocene, it would have formed. Some indicative dates that have been able to be obtained thanks to data from glacial debris and ice flow simulations, and that have paved the way for a controversial hypothesis called.
Younger Dryas , which points to the possibility that a cold wave of a thousand years would have changed our planet approximately 12,800 to 11,700 years ago.Virtual twins to boost the effectiveness of industry 4.0 javier martin javier martin The *digital twins* are new projects that allow simulating the production Will play a key role in growing the mobile number list business and achieving sales targets. of all types of companies in order to improve their quality. Industry 4.0 has reached our days as a reference model in the business field. A way of production based on digitization and connectivity of all the elements available in the industrial framework.
This is where the new trend in the business world comes into play, the digital twin . The issue of virtual twins forms a perfect symbiosis between the digital environment and the real environment . A clear definition of what would be a good application of the aforementioned virtual twins could be established as follows: «A digital twin is a virtualization and simulation [through modeling tools] of the real data of a process, product or service”. This definition belongs to Jorge Hernando, ICT manager at the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences.